TCPalm: Coffee House 1420 in Vero Beach celebrates first birthday ahead of National Coffee Day

Excerpted from Coffee House 1420 in Vero Beach celebrates first birthday ahead of National Coffee Day:

cutting first anniversary cakeMichael Glatz, owner of Coffee House 1420, held a one-year celebration of the shop being open on Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2021, with free cake and coffee for customers at the downtown Vero Beach location.

“We’re very happy to have this a place like this in downtown,” said John DiGeorge, who frequents the shop twice a week. “And, the young people who work behind the counter a just wonderful.” Glatz opened the shop in September of last year during the pandemic, uncertain if the venture would be successful. “It was really a lesson in perseverance,” Glatz said. “Nobody wanted anything to do with hospitality or restaurants during the pandemic, but I had already put everything I had into doing this. I had a choice to make: throw it all way and do something else or figure out a way to the shop open. I’m a man of faith and through a lot of prayer, talking with friends and sharing my story the money started flowing from the most unsuspecting sources.”

See all the photos here!

Originally appeared in September 28, 2021. Photo credits: Patrick Dove/TCPalm