Let’s get brewing Vero Beach!
RELAX. RECHARGE. BELONG. At the corner of downtown.
Coffee House 1420 is on the corner of 14th Avenue and 20th Street in Downtown Vero Beach. Finally a place where your coffee rises to the same standards you look for in the foods you consume. Coffee House 1420 is with you every step of the way, from the origin of the flower – into your cup, brewed fresh each time! Coffee House 1420 will be a unique and welcome addition to growing downtown scene, combining a neighborhood gathering space along with great coffee and simple foods. Indoor and outdoor seating, easy to distance yourself when desired, with takeout also available. Parking is free and easy, whether using on-street parking on 14th Avenue, or one of the public lots with-in a block away. There’s even a free covered parking garage on the other side of the courthouse located behind us!
With the unexpected extent of interior renovations nearly complete, I NEED YOU! …Additional funds are needed for furnishings and equipment so I can open the doors and provide you with the GREAT COFFEE and hospitality you so deserve and crave right now!
Tables and chairs, kitchen appliances, coffee brewing equipment – these are the items YOU can help fund.
Please consider a small donation, or a larger investment – any amount is greatly appreciated! It will come back to you many-fold in delicious and responsible food and drink, served with gracious hospitality!
With a grateful heart, I thank you, MY FRIENDS!
– Chef Michael Glatz